Made New

Made New

Made New

Made New

Made New

ONE kingdom: Discipleship is the way!

Discipling people around the world to become a “transforming power of ONE” for the kingdom of God.

Slowing down to see where Jesus is moving

A church planter slows down so that Jesus can build his church.

Behind the scenes

District administrators work to serve God, the church and you.

Wesleyans are an Acts 1:8 people!

What if every Wesleyan church received an infilling of the Holy Spirit’s power and was working toward fulfilling Jesus’ promise in Acts 1:8?

The Wesleyan Church’s vision is transforming lives, churches and communities through the hope and holiness of Jesus Christ.

About Us

Our Story

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An Unleashed Kingdom Force

The Wesleyan Church is praying to become a movement — a Kingdom Force “unleashed everywhere to everywhere” in order to see lives, churches and communities changed.   

Celebratingevery time a disciple makes a disciple and a church multiplies itself until there is a transforming presence in every ZIP code.

Stay Current

Every knee will bow

Every knee will bow

Wesleyans believe our all-knowing God will combine justice and love in his final decisions on every human’s destiny.

Toda rodilla se doblará

Toda rodilla se doblará

Los wesleyanos creemos que nuestro Dios omnisciente combinará justicia y amor en sus decisiones finales sobre el destino de cada ser humano.

FUEL 2024

FUEL 2024

Fuel 2024 – Youth Leader Conference.

Wesleyan Life

Wesleyan Life magazine explores transformational living through stories and resources for discipleship and multiplication.

Next Steps

You’re closer than you realize to knowing God.
Discover more about your relationship with him.

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