Each week, both Wesleyans and Wesleyan churches are featured in online news publications. As we are alerted to those news items, we are privileged to pass them along. If you see a news item that relates to Wesleyans, please forward to communications@wesleyan.org. The following are sample news items:
Opinion writer speaks of impact World Hope International is having around world
An opinion writer for The Boston Globe suggests how partnerships between investors and non-profits like World Hope International are helping improve impoverished lives around the world.
IWU among Indiana institutions to receive grant money to assist students
Indiana Wesleyan University is just one of a few Indiana colleges and universities to receive grant money from Lilly Endowment Inc. that will assist in preparing students for the workforce.
Pennsylvania church preparing to open new food pantry
Pocono Lake Wesleyan Church in Pocono Lake, Penn., recently purchased a former restaurant and is currently transforming it into a food pantry to serve the community.
Stroudsburg church close to opening shelter
After months of planning, organizing, and preparing, the homeless shelter at Stroudsburg Wesleyan Church in Stroudsburg, Penn., is hoping to serve its community soon.
Church pays off neighborhood center
Seventeen years after building a community center in Salem, Ore., then deemed “felony flats,” Rev. Jerry Sloan and Capital Park Wesleyan Church’s congregation are happy to report that the building debt has been fully paid.