HopeCity, a fast-growing Wesleyan church in North Carolina, provided more than 600 boxes of food, 6,000 diapers, 1,550 backpacks, and 150 haircuts recently to local families. In addition to school supplies and book bags, the annual free giveaway included non-perishable foods, haircuts, hygiene items, clothes and health screenings at Ledford High School and downtown High Point. A total of 300 volunteers served at the event.

“I am always amazed what a difference a group of like-minded people can make when generosity is the heart and motivation behind the group,” said Pastor Scott Newton. “I am so thankful that HopeCity can play a small part in giving someone hope for tomorrow. We are all in this together, and we are just trying to do our small part.”

Founded in 2011, the church began planning for this year’s Big Give earlier this year, attracting new and repeat supporters and forging partnerships with like-minded organizations in the area. The Big Give is known for its free giveaways—with no questions asked about need.

“While providing for local families who may be in need is very important to the church, the Big Give is also about having a positive impact on the community and bringing people together,” said Brent McDowell, director of outreach ministries at HopeCity. “It’s so awesome this year that we were able to serve two different communities.”

Pin photo: Pablo Torres was one of the 150 haircut recipients at the Big Give Event.

Joe Bass, a volunteer from Food Lion, was one of many volunteers who helped pass out meals.

Ryan Osborne and Brooke Shue enjoy one of the last days of summer, each receiving a new backpack.

Josh Branson of High Point, N.C., distributes food.