We do not want you to be uninformed about those who sleep in death, so that you do not grieve like the rest of mankind. (1 Thess. 4:13)
Do all old people go to heaven when they die? What happens to our bodies when we die? What does it mean that Jesus is coming again? Children are notorious for asking these and other questions, which often cause confusion.
Most Christians today are fortunate to have the Bible. It contains all the information individuals need so we aren’t confused or question what is going to happen at death or in the future. But this was not the case in Paul’s day, so Paul wrote to the Thessalonians to clear up some questions they had: “What happens to our loved ones or friends who die before Christ comes again? What happens to those still alive at the second coming?” Paul clearly explained that Christians who died before the second coming would be taken up in the air at his return. There was no need for sadness. The Thessalonians were to show the world the hope they had in Christ by the way they grieved.
What is this hope the Thessalonians had? Hope in Jesus’ resurrection. We too can live transformed lives, being forgiven and delivered from the bondage of sin. We have access to the Holy Spirit’s power. We can live triumphantly after the death of our loved ones and friends because hope provides the expectation we will one day be with him forever.
Remind someone of the hope in Jesus for life after death.
Yolanda Moore is a retired school teacher, a women’s group leader, Bible teacher, and former state co-coordinator for the Christian Motorcyclists Association.
© 2019 Wesleyan Publishing House. Reprinted from Light from the Word. Used by permission.