For anyone who enters God’s rest also rests from his own work, just as God did from his. (Heb. 4:10)

AS ONE APPROACHES the big 5-0, a card comes in the mail. This card, free of charge, affords the recipient privileges associated with reaching that milestone birthday. Some embrace the card and the accompanying benefits happily; others not so much. You guessed it; it’s the AARP card.

The last of the baby boomers (born 1945–1964) are now in their fifties, and our country has a large population of older adults. Consequently, we see many ads addressing the needs of those folks, not the least of which have to do with retirement. Investment services and reverse mortgages are designed to help us make the most of the next phase of life.

The writer of Hebrews 4 reminded ancient Christians, along with readers today, of the glorious rest provided to those who live a Christian life. Not only is there an eternal rest reserved for us after death, there is a rest we can have each day. That rest comes from a relationship with God and being confident in our heavenly reward. We are encouraged to work energetically for Him until we reach our eternal rest.

Just as we work toward the goal of retirement, we should enthusiastically work for the Lord and impact the lives of those who observe us each day. After all, the privileges and benefits that come with membership in God’s “circle” are big, and His card’s in the mail.

Dedicate each day’s work to God, looking toward the eternal rest He provides.

Hally Franz is a former high school guidance counselor turned stay-at-home mom. She enjoys being a 4-H leader, church secretary, book club member, and traveler.