Turn your ear to me, come quickly to my rescue; be my rock of refuge, a strong fortress to save me. (Ps. 31:2)

ALTHOUGH WE MAY NOT be rulers and poets like King David, at times each of us will long for the second arrival of Christ. We grow weary of this world and its many discouragements. We yearn for the appearance of our Lord in the sky and long to be with Him. Until then, like King David, we reassure ourselves of our salvation, and we remember Jesus’ promise to rescue us and take us to heaven with Him. We look for ways to make the wait a pleasant one by telling others of His saving grace, so they can join us on that wondrous day when He returns.

In Psalm 31, David pleaded with God to rescue him. He was assaulted on every side by people who wanted to destroy him. Even those he considered close friends often turned against him. But God never did. At times David thought God had deserted him, as many of his warriors did; but before long another psalm would attest to the Lord’s ever-presence.

One of the reasons we love the Psalms is that they voice what troubles us. David looked for Jesus’ first advent while we expect His second appearance. All of us will see a poem come to life in the marvelous person of Jesus when He returns to take us home.

Write a paragraph or poem expressing your thoughts on the return of Christ.

Alice Stone Thomas is an adjunct professor of English. In addition to her three children and five grandchildren, she loves to read, write, and garden.