The Lord knows all . . . he knows. (Ps. 94:11)
John Wesley once said about God’s providence, “There is scarce any doctrine in the whole compass of revelation, which is of a deeper importance than this.” It seems only natural Wesley would have had such a high view of this doctrine based on a childhood experience. When Wesley was five years old, the family’s house caught fire. Quickly, everyone except John, who remained asleep, made their way out. Upon seeing John appear in the second story window, his father, Samuel, rushed in the house, only to have the staircase collapse. It is said, Samuel knelt and prayed. Seemingly at the same moment, neighbors rushed to the side of the house, formed a human ladder, and retrieved young John Wesley seconds before the ceiling of the house collapsed.
Just as Wesley’s life testified, this psalm also testifies, God is intimately involved in the lives of the ones he created by rescuing us out of this fallen world. Each one of us was trapped with no hope of survival. Then, within the confines of this world, he sent his Son to pluck us out of death’s grip. We may experience the worst this world has to offer, but just like the psalmist recognized, God takes care of those who belong to him. As Hebrews 10:23 says, “Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful.”
Acknowledge the things God does for us that we take for granted.
T. J. Albertson has been pastoring for seventeen years, the last fifteen as interchurch service. He is a doctoral student at Wesley Seminary and loves teaching the whole Bible and its relevance to life.
© 2021 Wesleyan Publishing House. Reprinted from Light from the Word. Used by permission. Scriptures taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®.