So he asked Jehoshaphat, “Will you go with me to fight against Ramoth Gilead?” (1 Kings 22:4)
Expanded Passage: 1 Kings 22:2-4
Some leaders altruistically fight for the profit of their group in many situations. Others, however, even ally to get the lion’s share, fulfilling a hidden agenda.
A similar event occurred in 1 Kings 22 when the Judean king, Jehoshaphat, visited his Israelite counterpart, Ahab, in the third year of his reign. Ahab reminded Jehoshaphat that Ramoth Gilead belonged to them and invited him to join forces to retake it from the Syrian king, Aram (vv. 2–3). The place was a Levitical city of refuge, a strategic and vital frontier post on a mountain.
Ahab wanted to win it back for his motives. Jehoshaphat was cautious enough to advise him to seek first the counsel of the Lord (v. 5). Even the prophet Micaiah forewarned Ahab not to undertake this war. Consequently, King Adab became furious and ordered that Micaiah be put in prison and fed nothing but bread and water until Ahab returned safely from battle. The results sealed the end of Ahab’s reign (vv. 26–28, 37).
In all things, caution must be the watchword. God appreciates when we consult him before getting involved in any endeavor. We must think things through before embarking on any venture and ensure we are not helping anyone achieve their hidden agenda. Even seemingly good decisions can be soured by ulterior motives.
Do not get bogged down in hidden agendas contrary to God’s will.
Handy Calixte is the national director of Christian education for L’Église Wesleyenne d’Haïti. He is pursuing an MDiv at Wesley Seminary and studying biblical Hebrew at Israel Institute of Biblical Studies.
© 2024 Wesleyan Publishing House. Reprinted from Light from the Word. Used by permission. Scriptures taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®.