On November 8-9, The Wesleyan Church (TWC) hosted the first Misión Multiplicación (DiosTrabaja/GodWorx) Conference in San Antonio, Texas. Laity and clergy gathered to hear stories and learn principles about how God can partner with every worker in every workplace.

Patterned after the model of the Marketplace Multipliers Conference at College Wesleyan Church in Marion, Indiana, the agenda included space for attendees to hear stories from those practicing discipleship in the workplace, to share their questions around how to cultivate a practice of shepherding in their own work, and to connect with others around their tables who also value the overlap between their work and the Spirit’s work in their communities.

The 61 attendees were mostly bi-cultural. The conference was held in a bilingual format, affording every attender the chance to hear stories in both English and Spanish.

“The message connected so well with the Hispanic community, because many come to the United States to work,” reflected Reverend Arlynn Ellis, who organized the conference. While all this work is deeply rooted in the congregation, the idea that God may use our workplaces as a formative context is a concept that translates naturally for those inside or outside the Hispanic community who see work as a primary place of influence.

The conference was intentional in helping platform various types of work (from middle management to small business owners to service providers). One of the most impactful stories from the conference emerged as one woman, who served in a cleaning business, shared how the GodWorx concepts had shaped her way of being present to her job.

“We heard her say, ‘My cleaning job is not bad; I can impact my peers … the other people starting, I can train them to do their work well, to be trusted with people’s belongings,’” reflected Rev. Ellis.

A daycare director from New York explained how the idea of her work being part of her discipleship shaped her way of loving and serving the students she interacts with each day. A football coach told how his commitment to follow the Spirit leads him to commit to both his work and his players, helping them develop character as they also grow in athletic ability.

“I was so honored to participate in the Misión Multiplicación (DiosTrabaja/GodWorx) Conference!” said Dr. Wayne Schmidt, General Superintendent of The Wesleyan Church. “I was equally inspired by the presentations and the personal conversations. Arlynn is both a pastor and a community leader — her example provides a living example for us all.”

Rev. Ellis and her team are already at work preparing for next year’s conference, which will be hosted in at least four locations and continue to explore the intersection of faith, work and creative ways of loving God and neighbor. For more information, visit misionmultiplicacion.com.

Rev. Ethan Linder is the pastor of discipleship at College Wesleyan Church in Marion, Indiana.