Stephen and Ruth Ziraba had a difficult marriage relationship. Ruth had problems with demons. She came from a family that was demonized. She was chosen to be the next witch doctor in her family. She was so tormented that she took a chance and went to a pastor for help. He prayed with her. She was born again and set free.
But Stephen was not happy that Ruth was now a believer in Christ. When Ruth took their sick child to church for prayer, he became very angry. He took another wife and sent Ruth back to live with her parents. The parents were also angry when they found out she was a Christ-follower. Their demons stopped being effective when Ruth was around. Because she refused to leave her faith in Christ, the family began to beat her. She ran away to a church where she began to pray. The church and pastor took her in—she lived with them for four years. During this time, they twice tried to find someone for her to marry. Each time she told them she would first ask God what his will was. God told her to wait for Stephen. She began praying for him.
Stephen was under conviction. He found a pastor and asked him to come to his house. But the pastor knew Stephen was opposed to Christians and was afraid to visit him. He thought Stephen wanted to harm him. Again, Stephen met the pastor and asked him to visit him at his home. This time the pastor went. When the pastor entered the home, Stephen knelt on a mat in the middle of the floor. He raised his hands in the air and told the pastor he was ready to give his life to Christ. The pastor was shocked but thankful. Stephen was born again and became a Christ-follower that day.
A few weeks later, Ruth went to Stephen’s village to visit a relative. When she arrived, she was told Stephen was now a Christ-follower. She went to church and found Stephen there. Because he had changed, Ruth decided to go back home with her husband. When they arrived home, the second wife left. (Eventually, the second wife was also saved and became a pastor.)
Ruth and Stephen are now happily married with six children. They are both pastors of Bugeri Wesleyan Church in Uganda. They have planted two churches and have a vision of planting five more in 2017. Stephen was one of the men ordained by The Wesleyan Church of Uganda on August 27, 2016. This year, Ruth plans to begin pastoral training through Wesleyan Bible Institute Extension Program. Praise God!