Listen to today’s devo!

Come and see what God has done. (Ps. 66:5)

Expanded Passage: Psalm 66:1-7

I can still hear the sound of her knees hitting the floor. Collapsing beneath the weight of her emotion, my friend melted into a ball of tears the moment she knew her husband was still alive. Her woeful cries melted into relief, and what rose out of her grief was gratitude. Face in her hands, she called out God’s goodness, her words rising in pure worship.

When we have been in the shadows, surrounded by a darkness we think will never end, seeing God’s goodness can be overwhelming. Blinding, even. Like the psalmist, my friend was compelled toward a posture of awe, as if falling on her knees was the only right response in light of the reality of what God had done. David was the same. Faced with the full picture of his situation, admitting his failure and turning toward God reminded him of all the ways God had been with him all along.

Because we are human people who daily encounter brokenness, dark days will find us. Whether they’re due to circumstance or decisions, we too will wonder where God is or whether we are too far gone. But even in the shadows, may we pay attention to the light. May we look back and remember “what God has done” and hold on to the hope of what he will do yet again. May we be people who shout, “Come and see!”

Out loud or on paper, recall the good things God has done.

Sarah E. Westfall is an author and speaker who currently resides in northeast Indiana with her husband Ben and their four boys; she is a graduate of Indiana Wesleyan University.

© 2024 Wesleyan Publishing House. Reprinted from Light from the Word. Used by permission. Scriptures taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®.