So he got up and went to his father. (Luke 15:20)
To slow down and to be present can feel at times like a lofty New Year’s resolution that is far from being conquered. The speed of life many of us live has us jumping from one responsibility, thought, and checklist to another.
A great way to examine your ability to be present is to consider your reaction when someone unexpectedly calls you with a need. Are you quick to answer with compassion, or do you grumble under your breath because answering the call requires you to put too many things on hold? To be present is challenging, yet how many times in our lives have we needed others to be present for us? Also, how many times has our heavenly Father grumbled when we have called on him?
The story told by Jesus in Luke 15 demonstrates so beautifully the earthly father being ready at a moment’s notice for his son, as his compassion for him never wavered. Even better demonstrated in the story is the love and compassion of the fully present heavenly Father, who is still available to us now.
May we continue our days living with the transformational understanding that we serve a good and present God who is ever so available. He is a God who is quick to answer when we call and who calls us to do the same for others.
Be present with others as your heavenly Father is present with you.
Laura Walls is a wife, new mom, and assistant pastor at Waterline Church. She enjoys laughing with friends, sitting around a campfire, and trips to the local craft store.
© 2022 Wesleyan Publishing House. Reprinted from Light from the Word. Used by permission. Scriptures taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®.