Listen to today’s devo!

Is anyone among you in trouble? Let them pray. (James 5:13)

Expanded Passage: James 5:13

I began to consider becoming a Christian when I was seventeen years old. The reason was because I was told that, if I would accept Jesus Christ, all my problems and troubles would disappear. God would take them away. Coming from a dysfunctional home made the thought of becoming “trouble free” very appealing. The continual fighting was emotionally draining for my brothers and me. Times when we were slapped and punched made it physically painful.

One Wednesday evening, when the tensions in my home reached an all-time high, I decided that I had had enough of this “garbage.” I ran to my friend’s house, which was five miles away, and cried out, “Andy, I can’t take this anymore. I want to become a Christian so my life will be free from all the pain and anguish I feel now.”

Andy kindly replied, “Jim, if the only reason you want to be a Christian is to not have troubles, you are going to be very disappointed. Even Christians have problems. The difference for a Christian, however, is that they can call on God to help them to get through those tough times.”

I have been a believer now for over forty-four years. Although my life has not been free from trouble, God has faithfully walked with me in and through each situation I have faced.

When troubles come your way, call on God to help you.

Jim “Umf” Lo is a professor at Indiana Wesleyan University, cross-cultural leader, intercessor, and author of several books published by Wesleyan Publishing House.

© 2024 Wesleyan Publishing House. Reprinted from Light from the Word. Used by permission. Scriptures taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®.