Due to generous grants from the Lilly Endowment, two of our universities are offering extraordinary summer camp opportunities, at a fraction of their cost, to students who are exploring a call to ministry.
Southern Wesleyan University: The Called Camp
Last summer, SWU launched The Called Camp. That camp experience made a huge difference in the lives of the participants as they unpacked their understanding of what it means to be called to ministry. This summer, they plan to reach even more high school students.
The dates for the camp are June 24-July 1, and there are three tracks from which students can choose (see video):
- Adventure Ministry
- Missional Outreach
- Worship Ministry
These tracks are led by inspirational camp faculty leaders. We hope pastors and church leaders will encourage students who are exploring a call to attend. Costs for the camp have been reduced significantly. Consider investing in the future of the Church by financially partnering with your students, especially those that might face financial challenges.
Pray with us that God will work in mighty ways to identify kingdom-minded church leaders through this camp experience. We have spots for 40 special participants for this summer’s camp. Please check out the camp website at www.swu.edu/thecalled.
Indiana Wesleyan University: Examen
IWU has a similar camp called Examen for young women and men who are wondering whether or not God might be calling them into the ministry. For two weeks (June 17-July 1), they are inviting twenty of these students to wonder alongside theology and ministry professors as well as 19 other teenagers who are probably asking some of the same questions. Wondering in the classroom while earning college credit. Wondering as they cook meals together. Wondering while they laugh, dream, and pray with people who have the potential to become life-long friends.
Find out more about it here: http://www.exameniwu.org/.

examen camp IWU

the called SWU dates