Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. In him was life. (John 1:3–4)
SITTING IN THE CARDIOLOGIST’S exam room with my husband, I noticed a heart chart hanging on the door. On the chart, each area of the heart is a different color so the viewer can easily see the various parts. Science tells us the human heart is about the size of a fist. Make a fist and look at the size of it. God made this small organ with its chambers, vessels, and pumping mechanism to send blood into every part of our bodies, giving us life. It’s amazing that such a small organ can keep the body operating. If the heart stops, life stops. Surgeons and cardiologists can do wonderful things to keep a heart functioning, even replacing defective ones, but only God can create a heart.
John stated that nothing was made without God and in Him is life. God gives daily, physical life to us using a small, fist-sized organ that pumps blood throughout our bodies. He gives us spiritual life through the blood Christ shed on the cross. In both instances, the blood is what gives life and sustains us day by day.
If our hearts stop working, our physical bodies die. If we fail to accept the life available to us through Christ, we will die spiritually. But if we accept the gift of salvation, we will live forever.
Ask God to examine your heart and make any needed repairs.
Vickie Phelps is a retired bookseller who enjoys reading and collecting books. She also plays the organ for her church and publishes the church bulletin.