Listen to today’s devo!

People went out to him from Jerusalem and all Judea. (Matt. 3:5)

Expanded Passage: Matthew 3:1-6

A nameless man sits outside the local post office. He festoons his table with political posters and speaks to each passerby, hoping someone will stop to hear his canned speech. I have never stopped. I usually have fifty-five important tasks yet to complete that day. Besides, his voice and personality sound abrasive. But every time I am there, I can’t help but notice him.

When people are truly committed to a cause, others can’t help but notice. I may walk past the politician’s table, but I can hardly miss his presence. John the Baptist proclaimed his message from the four corners of town. People not only stopped to listen, but also traveled great distances to do so. What gave his witness such power?

John the Baptist announced the long-awaited fulfillment of prophecy, but he also called people to repentance—normally not a popular message. He tied the call to the good news of the coming kingdom. As his hearers confessed their sins and received his baptism, they felt transformed, prepared for the coming of the Lord.

As Christians, are we different enough to be noticed? If so, does our distinctiveness repel or attract others? No, we don’t have to tone down God’s expectations in order to win people to Christ, but to accomplish that goal, God’s love must shine through.

Live so that everyone knows you by your love.

Phil Bence is a retired pastor living in Nampa, Idaho. He and his wife, Kathy, have two adult daughters and three nearly adult grandsons.

© 2024 Wesleyan Publishing House. Reprinted from Light from the Word. Used by permission. Scriptures taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®.