Kim Gladden |
November 15, 2018 |
In the early days of the church baptism was a declaration that a believer was identifying with a group of despised people called Christians. But what place does baptism hold in our modern discipleship process?
Kim Gladden |
October 11, 2018 |
Let’s talk about how discipleship, mission, and community connect. Join us for a live webinar with Pastor Matt LeRoy of Love Chapel Hill in Chapel Hill, NC.
Kim Gladden |
September 13, 2018 |
What does it look like to have lifelong discipleship? Join us here on Facebook Live as we talk about it with Megan Cusumano, Assistant Pastor at North Park Wesleyan Church and Eric Mills, National Pastoral Director of Orphan Sunday & Stand Sunday.
Kim Gladden |
August 22, 2018 |
We’re excited to speak with Noel Castellanos, President of CCDA – Christian Community Development Association! Join the conversation as we explore what it means to live the life of a disciple in your community.
Kim Gladden |
July 19, 2018 |
Is your desire to have multiplying discipleship? Join the Multiplying Discipleship Webinar with Jon Wiest – Multiplication Pastor at Trinity Church Indianapolis
Kim Gladden |
June 21, 2018 |
Join The Wesleyan Church’s Discipleship Webinar and learn more about holistic discipleship as we discuss The Ransom Church’s pathway for discipleship with Pastors Phil Wiseman and Megan Koch.
Kim Gladden |
May 17, 2018 |
Can you make disciples without having relationships? Let’s talk about it. Join us for a webinar on Relational Discipleship where our guest will be Pastor Gina Colburn, lead pastor of Trinity Wesleyan Church.
Kim Gladden |
April 10, 2018 |
What does it look like to do discipleship on purpose with a plan? Join Kim Gladden & guests, Rev. Scott Moore, pastor of First Wesleyan Church & Rev. Wes Dupin, pastor of Daybreak Church as we dive into a discussion exploring intentional discipleship