“ALL” is in every call
Can you give your life?
Can you give your life?
Wesleyans are seeking ways their career might give them access to a people without access to the gospel.
Every generation affirming what we see God doing in each other helps us embrace God’s call.
Keith Drury followed God’s call in raising up the next generation.
Ordinary people have extraordinary influence.
Do we believe it? Can we see it?
Wesleyan educational institutions nurture, equip and prepare each student to lean into being a transforming presence for Christ.
Discipling people around the world to become a “transforming power of ONE” for the kingdom of God.
Wesleyans across the globe believe prayer is our greatest resource.
Through the Spirit we live united so others may live and believe.
The Homestead provides a healing and transforming presence for trafficking survivors.
New Life Gillette is employing innovative, entrepreneurial outreach to be a transforming presence in their community.
One life dedicated to serving Jesus makes a big impact.
Praying on Offense invites us to be a transforming presence for others ONE moment at a time.
A look back on the moments that impacted us and things that brought us joy in 2023.
The 14th General Conference is on the horizon and your delegate preparation through this five-part orientation series is almost complete.
The Wesleyan Church continues to prayerfully prepare for a successful 14th General Conference.
Two significant privileges and responsibilities for all General Conference voting delegates are memorial voting and election of The Wesleyan Church leaders.
We are ready to embark on the significant business decisions before us and eager to gather again as The Wesleyan Church family.
WPH seeks to secure the services of a freelance illustrator for a children’s book on the topic of multiethnicity.
Affordable, Flexible, Formative, Unique Curriculum for Kids Church.
A call is a summons from God to get involved in something he is doing.
Grace Point Church congregation learns to make disciples who make disciples.
Bridge of Hope Church broke down literal barriers to reach its littlest neighbors.