Rev. Katie Lance

Addiction + Gospel=Recovery Disciple Making

Addiction + Gospel=Recovery Disciple Making

Recovery Church model is making disciples within addiction recovery. Join us with Pastor Billy Robel to explore the power of Gospel-centered transformation, growing disciple makers in Christ, and how to plant Recovery Churches.

Kids in Worship

Kids in Worship

The Next Gen Department of The Wesleyan Church is thrilled to have been awarded, through Lilly Endowment Inc., a $1.25 million grant for the “Kids in Worship Initiative.” This project is aimed at transforming how we engage children in corporate worship and...
Right Now Media

Right Now Media

Our Discipleship Team is thrilled to announce a new partnership between The Wesleyan Church and RightNow Media. As a Wesleyan Church Lead Pastor, we are excited to offer you and your family FREE personal access to RightNow Media for the entire year of 2025! With this...
Unlock Your Learning On Every Level

Unlock Your Learning On Every Level

Discover WeDisciple: the innovative app designed to enhance disciple-making relationships through easy communication, valuable resources, and guided growth. Whether you’re a new disciple or an experience disciple-maker this tool is for you!



Humans are busy and forgetful. Sometimes believers are busy doing all kinds of good things and ministries for the church, but do not have intentional discipling relationships. Relationships require attention and regular connection, but we struggle to prioritize the...
How Do I Actually Disciple Someone?

How Do I Actually Disciple Someone?

Discover WeDisciple: the innovative app designed to enhance disciple-making relationships through easy communication, valuable resources, and guided growth. Whether you’re a new disciple or an experience disciple-maker this tool is for you!

The Power of Disciple-Making Through Worship

The Power of Disciple-Making Through Worship

Welcome Dr. Josh Lavender, Campus Worship Pastor of Indiana Wesleyan University and Trinity Church, as we explore what it means to be a Wesleyan Worship Leader and how to optimize worship gatherings for powerful disciple-making.

Seeking a Disciple Making Movement

Seeking a Disciple Making Movement

Do you desire help in shaping vision and spearheading the disciple-making process in your church? We can help! Come learn about a transformative 10-week Mobilizing Disciple Makers Cohort, with Rev. Katie Lance and Dr. Jon Wiest.

Courageous Revitalization

Courageous Revitalization

Church revitalization isn’t for the faint of heart! Join us for a candid discussion with Pastor Megan Harris, Catalyst for Church Revitalization. Discover successful strategies, resources, and helpful insights. Learn more about our upcoming cohort.

The Body of Christ: Unity through Discipleship

The Body of Christ: Unity through Discipleship

Join us May 8, 2024, for a webinar on “The Body of Christ: Unity through Discipleship.” Rev. Ryan Sims will delve into Spirit-gifted empowerment of the saints, exploring the power of unity through the gift of diversity.

Introduction to True North

Introduction to True North

Experience the transformative power of discipleship with True^North, a Wesleyan disciple-making tool. Join our webinar with the author, Dr. Dave Smith, to explore how it deepens Bible literacy, fosters transparency, and fuels transformation.

Dead-End Believers to Multiplying Disciple-Makers

Dead-End Believers to Multiplying Disciple-Makers

Open your minds to the possibility of your congregation making disciples to 4th generation
and beyond. Join pastors Jessica Miller, Suk May, and Marv LaLone as we step into the dream of sparking a disciple-making movement in and through your church.

Multi-Generational Church

Multi-Generational Church

The church is designed to work in and through ALL believers, in every season of life. We are never too young or too old for the Holy Spirit to use us.

Acts 1:8 In Jackson, Michigan

Acts 1:8 In Jackson, Michigan

In this episode, we talked to Andy Merritt about his experience reaching the here, the near, the hard, and the far. In our discussion, we learned how he and his team are helping plant churches around the world. Church of Andy Merritt:
Acts 1:8 In San Antonio, Texas

Acts 1:8 In San Antonio, Texas

In this episode, we talked to Bob Ellis about his experience reaching the here, the near, the hard, and the far. Bob, and his wife, Arlynn lead a Multicultural Church, reaching locally, regionally, and around the world. Bob Ellis’ Church:...
Acts 1:8 In Grand Rapids, Michigan

Acts 1:8 In Grand Rapids, Michigan

In this episode, we talked to Pastor Kyle Brown about his experience reaching the here, the near, the hard, and the far. In our discussion, we learned God reshaped a vision of a thriving church to multiply disciples in every context. Pastor Brown’s Church:...
Introducing the Acts 1:8 Initiative

Introducing the Acts 1:8 Initiative

In this episode, we talked to Dr.Wayne Schmidt and Dr.Ed Love about reaching the here, the near, the hard, and the far. As they share the vision for the Acts 1:8...
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Lent Daily Reading – April 9 (Español)

9 de abril de 2023 Juan 20 NVI El sepulcro vacío 20:1-8 – Mt 28:1-8; Mr 16:1-8; Lc 24:1-10 El primer día de la semana, muy de mañana, cuando todavía estaba oscuro, María Magdalena fue al sepulcro y vio que habían quitado la piedra que cubría la entrada. Así que fue...
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Lent Daily Reading – April 9 (English)

April 9, 2023 John 20 NIV The Empty Tomb Early on the first day of the week, while it was still dark, Mary Magdalene went to the tomb and saw that the stone had been removed from the entrance. So she came running to Simon Peter and the other disciple, the one Jesus...
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Lent Daily Reading – April 8 (Español)

8 de abril de 2023 Juan 19:28-37 NVI Después de esto, como Jesús sabía que ya todo había terminado, y para que se cumpliera la Escritura, dijo: ―Tengo sed. Había allí una vasija llena de vinagre; así que empaparon una esponja en el vinagre, la pusieron en una caña y...
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Lent Daily Reading – April 8 (English)

April 8, 2023 John 19:28-37 NIV Later, knowing that everything had now been finished, and so that Scripture would be fulfilled, Jesus said, “I am thirsty.”A jar of wine vinegar was there, so they soaked a sponge in it, put the sponge on a stalk of the hyssop plant,...
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Lent Daily Reading – April 7 (Español)

7 de abril de 2023 Juan 19:16-27 NVI Entonces Pilato se lo entregó para que lo crucificaran, y los soldados se lo llevaron.   La crucifixión 19:17-24 – Mt 27:33-44; Mr 15:22-32; Lc 23:33-43 Jesús salió cargando su propia cruz hacia el lugar de la Calavera (que en...