Letting Go
Hold lightly to the things of this world.
Hold lightly to the things of this world.
Read God’s Word as his personal communication.
Trust Jesus to heal and to save.
Do good as you humbly walk with God.
Allow God to grow you beyond your comfort zone.
Go into the world and shine!
Do whatever God calls you to do.
Ask for pure, merciful wisdom, that you may give life.
Remember that words are powerful and slandering people slanders God.
Always remember God is right by your side.
Let God change you from the inside out.
Inscribe in your heart that you are God’s child.
Make sure God is in the driver’s seat of your life!
Heed the instructions given by the internal voice of the Holy Spirit.
Grow your relationship with God and shine his way to others.
Seek God in the desires of your heart.
Live a righteous life today by following Jesus.
Let go of earthly “wisdom” and embrace God’s wisdom from above.
Multiply peace in our world this week and experience his harvest.
Fill up on God’s ways and wisdom, letting godliness flow through you.
Avoid the comparison trap and rejoice in what Christ has given you.
Acknowledge what you find inside—and what Jesus can do with it.
Look to God today for wisdom and live the good life.
Learn to give God praise while you’re in an uncertain place.