Not Guilty by Association
Show and share the dignity that comes with being associated with Christ.
Show and share the dignity that comes with being associated with Christ.
Pause and praise God for the rescue of Jesus Christ our Lord!
Welcome in Christ to evict sin from your heart!
When you feel weak, testify to Christ’s strength!
Pause and appreciate Scripture’s keen insight into human experience.
Find a place of sanctuary and thank God for his blessings.
Ask God to help you surrender everything to him.
Reaffirm your commitment to serve Christ alone.
Make the effort to live in God’s freedom today.
Thank God for his forgiveness that never ends.
Pray for strength to embrace the suffering that dying with Christ brings.
Live your life so that it is a source of hope for others.
Imagine the world as Christ intends it to be.
Trust God to turn your mess into a message.
Accept God’s love and his peace will enrich you.
Choose God; he paid your debt and loves you.
Live for Christ—he died for you.
Allow the Holy Spirit to grow you through every experience.
Prioritize peace and have faith that God will bring healing.
Serve as God’s ambassador wherever you go.
Identify someone to whom you can be a mentor in the faith.
Spend two minutes thinking about heaven.
Sketch a timeline of the last year and plot your grace moments.
Name the promise of God that gives you hope today.