Listen to today’s devo!

He did away with the idolatrous priests. (2 Kings 23:5)

Expanded Passage: 2 Kings 23:1-5

I read about a megachurch pastor who stated that his church had been in a membership drive and drove out fifty. While having the desired shock effect, he went on to explain that a review of their records revealed several who were in clear and persistent violation of their commitments and had been dropped. “Blessed deletions” was a term that was used.

While the approach of that pastor could be debated, there is no doubt that times arise when things need to change. To be observed. To be reviewed. Perhaps even to be deleted.

Josiah faced just such a time. The first twenty-five verses of chapter 23 list the actions taken by the king as he led the people back to the God of their fathers. After renewing his commitment to the book of the covenant in the presence of the Lord, he set out with clear determination to clean house, as it were.

The long list of “blessed deletions” that he ordered were not trivial things born out of tradition and preference. They were principled matters—clear violations of the book of the covenant.

While the phrase “he did away with” may have an ominous negative overtone, there are times in our lives when a review of practice versus principle may be in order. The need for blessed deletions may emerge perhaps, and if so, change is in order.

Never underestimate the ability of a dedicated leader to effect massive change.

HC Wilson is General Superintendent Emeritus of The Wesleyan Church. He and his wife, Debby, reside in New Brunswick, Canada.

© 2024 Wesleyan Publishing House. Reprinted from Light from the Word. Used by permission. Scriptures taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®.