Featured Blogs
Times of trial
We, as Wesleyans, have the power and the grace through the Holy Spirit to be courageous in ministering to society.
Train up a child in the way he should go
I tell you, children and youth ministry workers, you have a special ministry.
We are a kingdom people
2020 is drawing to a close. What will 2021 be like?
Train up a child in the way he should go
I tell you, children and youth ministry workers, you have a special ministry.
We are a kingdom people
2020 is drawing to a close. What will 2021 be like?
30 lessons in 30 years: part two
“The spiritual vitality and passion this group has can spark and encourage the local church. We need to make room for them to have a voice.”
30 lessons in 30 years of youth ministry: part one
“We can only get better by learning lessons from the past.”
30 lessons in 30 years: part two
“The spiritual vitality and passion this group has can spark and encourage the local church. We need to make room for them to have a voice.”
30 lessons in 30 years of youth ministry: part one
“We can only get better by learning lessons from the past.”
Unprecedented times call for unprecedented dependence on God.
Embracing our humanity
When we fail to embrace our limits, we are living as less than human.
Unprecedented times call for unprecedented dependence on God.
Embracing our humanity
When we fail to embrace our limits, we are living as less than human.
God’s Generator
Accept the power available to you through Christ.
God’s Generator
Accept the power available to you through Christ.
Rebooting values
Learn more About Voices Blogs People sometimes complain about a lack of original ideas in entertainment. Many movies are sequels or unnecessary remakes. However, when I find my own generation’s television shows being rebooted, and done well, I do a bit of...
Guided deconstruction
The cultural shifts are not stopping, or slowing down, but we can guide the deconstruction and the reconstruction of Christianity in the west.
Prophet or punk (pt. 2)
What separates prophetic boldness from dogmatic shrillness?
Border Stories: The kingdom in our midst
The kingdom is here — in the people in our schools and neighborhoods. There are people whose stories we need to hear and receive, but we have closed our ears and our hearts.
Border Stories: Six myths about immigration (part two)
Andrea Summers addresses the myths and misinformation about immigration, replacing them with a more robust, hopeful and redemptive picture of reality.
Dr. Roy S. Nicholson
Roy S. Nicholson First President of The Wesleyan Methodist Church.
Academic Papers
A research library containing written resources covering a wide selection of Christian topics (theology, doctrine, ministry, history, etc.)
The True Wesleyan – 1852
1852 – Downloads
Five Sermons and a Tract
This book is a compilation of six pamphlets written by Luther Lee, one of the founders of the Wesleyan Methodist Connection of America. Lee, along with Orange Scott, was forced to leave the Methodist Episcopal Church over his anti-slavery views. Lee was a pastor,...
The Wesleyan Advocate and Wesleyan Life
Wesleyan Life
Wesleyan Life magazine explores transformational living through stories and resources for discipleship and multiplication.
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