
Featured Blogs


¡Santa Matemática!

¡Santa Matemática!

La multiplicación de iglesias es la única manera de reducir, efectivamente, la brecha del evangelio y crear un impacto que perdurará más allá de nuestra generación.

¡Santa Matemática!

¡Santa Matemática!

La multiplicación de iglesias es la única manera de reducir, efectivamente, la brecha del evangelio y crear un impacto que perdurará más allá de nuestra generación.


Wrestling with God

Wrestling with God

As I was staring at my wife, who had recently been diagnosed with Stage 3 breast cancer, I no longer had his praise in my lungs or on my lips.

A father’s forever influence

A father’s forever influence

Sometimes it takes a lifetime to truly appreciate all the ways a good dad made all the difference.

Wrestling with God

Wrestling with God

As I was staring at my wife, who had recently been diagnosed with Stage 3 breast cancer, I no longer had his praise in my lungs or on my lips.

A father’s forever influence

A father’s forever influence

Sometimes it takes a lifetime to truly appreciate all the ways a good dad made all the difference.




To Give Him Glory

Give God glory for who he is in your life.


How the Bible came alive for me

How the Bible came alive for me

It wasn’t until I returned home from my trip to Israel that God truly revealed the power of his Word. 

Living as a sent one

Living as a sent one

Intentionally listening to and caring for people can lead to sharing Christ with people who are needing hope.

Suicide in America

Suicide in America

I don’t know all the reasons for this American Happening.
But I do know this: we need you.


Sunday best

Sunday best

The day I placed my faith in Jesus I was wearing blue jeans, Converse shoes and a ponytail.

On holiness & “hot takes”

On holiness & “hot takes”

In an age of hot takes, God’s perfecting Presence offers something better than a fleeting hit of dopamine.


Church Disciplines

Church Disciplines

A collection of Church Disciplines for The Wesleyan Church both past and present, including precedents.

Wesleyan Life

Wesleyan Life magazine explores transformational living through stories and resources for discipleship and multiplication.

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