Featured Blogs

Front-porch evangelism
There may be no better time than now to show love to your neighbor.

A place for Jesus
Have I prepared a place for Jesus in my own heart?

Bright future ahead
The post-COVID future can be bright because each of us can choose to make it so.

A place for Jesus
Have I prepared a place for Jesus in my own heart?

Bright future ahead
The post-COVID future can be bright because each of us can choose to make it so.
Denying self
Why would Jesus ask us to sacrifice an act or item during Lent season? Self-denial is a good idea, but we can go about it for the wrong reasons.
Holy math!
Church multiplication is the only way to effectively reduce the Gospel Gap and create an impact that will endure past our generation.
Denying self
Why would Jesus ask us to sacrifice an act or item during Lent season? Self-denial is a good idea, but we can go about it for the wrong reasons.
Holy math!
Church multiplication is the only way to effectively reduce the Gospel Gap and create an impact that will endure past our generation.
Pandemic fear, pandemic faith
Fear and faith will always fight for a place in your life. Let faith win.
Love in the time of COVID
When I think of this wild year, I will think of 1 John 3: remembering how Christ has called us to love.
Pandemic fear, pandemic faith
Fear and faith will always fight for a place in your life. Let faith win.
Love in the time of COVID
When I think of this wild year, I will think of 1 John 3: remembering how Christ has called us to love.
In Awe of God’s Forgiveness
Give God praise for forgiving your sins.

In Awe of God’s Forgiveness
Give God praise for forgiving your sins.
Did you expect your call to include power and authority?
I rarely think of the power or authority I have been given unless someone points it out. Rather, I am called to be a servant who delights in serving Jesus wherever he places me.
Reflections from a Wesleyan pastor in Christchurch, New Zealand
As one desiring to be part of an authentic community in our church and our wider city, I recognize this means we “rejoice with those who rejoice and mourn with those who mourn.”
What is your spiritual love language?
Everyone has a primary spiritual love language based on one of the four parts of the Great Commandment: heart, soul, mind and strength.
The True Wesleyan – 1845
1845 – Downloads
The True Wesleyan – 1844
1844 – Downloads
The True Wesleyan – 1843
Seneca Falls, N. Y. Jan 3, 1843 Dear Br. Scott, It was with unfeigned pleasure I read the True Wesleyan. I rejoice that there are some still left among the Methodist clergy, who are willing to make sacrifices in behalf of the truth and the slave. There are quite a...
Voices From Our Past: “Challenged to Commitment” – Oliver G. Wilson
Celebrating our Wesleyan Heritage with devotions and quotes from notable Wesleyans.
Celebrating the Missionary Spirit – Francisco (1892-1977) and Nettie (1891-1957) Soltero
Celebrating the Missionary Spirit with biographies of missionaries.
Wesleyan Life
Wesleyan Life magazine explores transformational living through stories and resources for discipleship and multiplication.
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