
Featured Blogs


Denying self

Denying self

Why would Jesus ask us to sacrifice an act or item during Lent season? Self-denial is a good idea, but we can go about it for the wrong reasons.

Denying self

Denying self

Why would Jesus ask us to sacrifice an act or item during Lent season? Self-denial is a good idea, but we can go about it for the wrong reasons.


Love in the time of COVID

Love in the time of COVID

When I think of this wild year, I will think of 1 John 3: remembering how Christ has called us to love.

Love in the time of COVID

Love in the time of COVID

When I think of this wild year, I will think of 1 John 3: remembering how Christ has called us to love.





Suicide in America

Suicide in America

I don’t know all the reasons for this American Happening.
But I do know this: we need you.


On holiness & “hot takes”

On holiness & “hot takes”

In an age of hot takes, God’s perfecting Presence offers something better than a fleeting hit of dopamine.


The True Wesleyan – 1843

The True Wesleyan – 1843

Seneca Falls, N. Y. Jan 3, 1843 Dear Br. Scott, It was with unfeigned pleasure I read the True Wesleyan. I rejoice that there are some still left among the Methodist clergy, who are willing to make sacrifices in behalf of the truth and the slave. There are quite a...

Wesleyan Life

Wesleyan Life magazine explores transformational living through stories and resources for discipleship and multiplication.

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