Thrive In 5-The Motivational (Emotional)
As a pastor, If you have discovered that your motivation has taken a vacation and left you behind, you are not alone.
As a pastor, If you have discovered that your motivation has taken a vacation and left you behind, you are not alone.
The Bible tells us that God loves a cheerful giver (2 Cor. 9:7), but too often giving feels like an obligation–this can be just as true for pastors as for lay people.
“Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.” –Jesus, John 14:27
In our current cultural climate, there are so many voices vying for our attention. It’s hard to know who to trust.
A timely look at some of the latest facts related to the COVID-19 vaccines.
The beginning of a New Year is an ideal time to establish a preaching plan.
How would you rate your emotional wellness?
Saving for short and long-term goals is most likely going to be a part of every pastor’s financial planning
Commitment is an essential quality of long-term relationships.
Be still and listen to the voice of your heavenly Father who loves you, who cares for you, and who knows your needs.
…now is a good time to be intentional and plan for strategic days off leading up to the holidays and then for an extended time away from ministry-work sometime in the new year.
“Sometimes pastors don’t avail themselves of things until there is a crisis; we’re trying to encourage pastors to be thinking ahead about what kinds of habits of mind and heart they can begin to make part of their life before there’s a crisis,”
“How can a pastor best lead during a time when we are awash in conspiracy theories that people often promote?”
Since March 2020 the world in which we live feels like a dangerous place. For some of us, that sense of danger is actually real. For others of us, the sense of danger is more in our nonconscious perception of threat.
Lectio Divina is one way you can read Scripture to abide in God’s presence and to experience his living Word for you today.
The Bible contains more verses on money and possessions than nearly any other topic. Howard Dayton teaches that there are over 2,300 such verses.
Trust and trustworthiness are essential qualities of relationships that last a lifetime.
During this time of Covid-19, we feel it is vitally important for pastors to continue to learn to carve out a few moments each day to simply be with God in prayer.
The one thing that is everything is friendship with God in Christ..
The post-modern west has entered a very shaky phase when it comes to our consideration of experts.
The hyphen: integrating the immigrant into ministry
The COVID-19 virus has changed the way we “do life” and “do church” so that we are simultaneously absent and present.
As Pastor Amon works through TFI’s first year, he will receive (from the grant) a match of up to $1,000 of what Horizons church has invested in him. In addition, TFI will match another $1,000 from another source that elected to invest in…