Pastors’ Spotlight- Jorge Escalante
The hyphen: integrating the immigrant into ministry
The hyphen: integrating the immigrant into ministry
Now, nearing the end of the TFI process, the Parker family have worked toward the Thrive team’s collective goals, paying down all $20,000 in debt, and are completely debt-free as they now work on the next step (building their savings fund).
While this year’s conference was the first hosted completely online, its online attendance–5,600 people from 38 states and 3 countries–surpassed the original sold-out attendance of 3,800.
“This is one of the greatest challenges for a teacher at a Christian college – for a teacher that is a believer – how to educate, expose and equip young minds to make their way through a visual culture…”
“Everything you do or don’t do; everything you say or don’t say sends a message–so make sure all you do or say reorients people toward Christ and not toward the world.”
“In the church planting world, a lot of the language we use is colonialist. We say, ‘We have God and we will bring him to these people.’ But one of my discoveries has been that God was always in Portland and at work in Portland,” Doiron said.
“It was a rich experience for me to understand that God is bigger than any one denominational box… All of the different perspectives find alignment and agreement in God,” Jones reflected.
“The church of the future is going to have to simplify. We’re not going to be able to rely on giving as much to support a staff of 15 pastors. We’re going to have to know what we are about – preaching and teaching the word of God, inviting everyone..
If there’s one overarching aim Crisp has developed in 19 years as a pastor’s spouse, it’s authenticity – for her family life and her own spiritual development.
We are in danger of not leading ourselves, our families, or our congregations well if we do not intentionally take the time to listen to God’s voice.
Since stepping out from behind the curtain, Skor has found her voice as a leader and been able to focus on using her giftings for maximum benefit to the church.
In the midst of church planting Jordan talks about the Truth of who God is.
Friends, if you’re in a season of hurting- let me join you in praying that you’ll let Him lead you through. That you’ll choose to fight, and that you’ll keep your eyes on Him. He’s shaping you along the way.