Border Stories: Meet me in the middle
When it comes to the border crisis, the church must sit in the tension with humility and an appetite for learning.
When it comes to the border crisis, the church must sit in the tension with humility and an appetite for learning.
In more ways than one, we should approach the kingdom of God through the lens of innocence and wonder. We should aim to please.
I encountered Jesus in the love and friendship I received from this girl and her mom, who moments before were no more than strangers.
Four things that can bridge the immigration crisis
A new wave of legalism is plaguing the church, disguising itself in worldly expectations of beauty and trendiness.
Here are three crucial factors we must consider when approaching and engaging in multiethnic ministry.
While depression can manifest itself in a physical way, sometimes it’s hiding behind the most jovial person in the crowd.
Pastor Maribel and the team at El Elyon Church just can’t stop when it comes to welcoming the immigrants who continue to arrive by bus in their community.
The kingdom is here — in the people in our schools and neighborhoods. There are people whose stories we need to hear and receive, but we have closed our ears and our hearts.
Andrea Summers addresses the myths and misinformation about immigration, replacing them with a more robust, hopeful and redemptive picture of reality.
Andrea Summers addresses the myths and misinformation about immigration, replacing them with a more robust, hopeful and redemptive picture of reality.
Ambassador Jo Anne Lyon and a group of Wesleyan clergywomen visited the U.S./Mexico border to meet immigrants. People made in the image of God.
Living generously also requires us to take seriously the spiritual discipline of simplicity.
The day I placed my faith in Jesus I was wearing blue jeans, Converse shoes and a ponytail.
In an age of hot takes, God’s perfecting Presence offers something better than a fleeting hit of dopamine.
As one desiring to be part of an authentic community in our church and our wider city, I recognize this means we “rejoice with those who rejoice and mourn with those who mourn.”
Everyone has a primary spiritual love language based on one of the four parts of the Great Commandment: heart, soul, mind and strength.
As we move from being the chaplains of society to inhabiting true missional outposts, how might the critical role of the worship service need to change?
If you’ve never been to an abortion clinic to do ministry, go there with a posture of love. It will change your life.
God’s call often leads us down trajectories that may seem crazy but are worth pursuing.
Without dancing around the nitty gritty…would I have been a candidate for termination?
The Bible has supernatural possibilities.
Sanctity of life is honoring the image of God woven into humanity at every stage of life.