Let God Lead
When you are tempted to complain today, pray instead.
When you are tempted to complain today, pray instead.
Trust God to meet your needs today.
Remember that others watch you to see what you believe.
Keep your focus on God, not on the world around you.
Ask God to reveal rooms in you where he doesn’t have possession.
Search your actions for ungodly ingredients.
Remind those who have forgotten their value to God.
Spend time with God today so that others will see his radiance.
Pray a blessing over someone today.
Write your song of lament.
Look at yourself through God’s gaze.
Look for the ways God has humbled and rebuilt you.
Plant a seed and patiently wait for the fruits of faith.
Consider how this “oneing” impacts you.
Look for the “grace of the world” and experience God’s peace.
Live obediently in your spiritual season.
Look for glimpses of God’s city breaking into the world around you.
Try a fresh way to share Jesus’ love; make it fun.
Take one step today toward righting a wrong you caused.
Offer care to someone who feels sent away from closeness to God.
Refuse to look away and choose to stand, protect, and heal.
Become a shield of God’s love for the vulnerable in your community.
Ask God to reveal how you can live differently in the everyday.
Name one thing you will do to make worship your lifestyle.