Listen to today’s devo!

His sons handed him the blood, and he splashed it against the sides of the altar. (Lev. 9:18)

Expanded Passage: Leviticus 9:17-18

I stood there with tears in my eyes as a row of children stood in front of the congregation singing “I love you, Jesus.” There was nothing more precious than the faith of these children, so pure and humble. I began to wonder when I lost that childlike faith to anxiety, doubts, and sin. How do we get this childlike faith back into our churches, back into our hearts?

Like Aaron’s older sons who were involved with the sacrifice, the children of our churches should be involved in our worship. Examples of this could come in a multitude of different ways, from having the children be actively involved in a worship service to having the congregation be actively involved in the children’s worship. Oftentimes we may think only we adults should teach children, but there is so much that children are able to teach us. Jesus speaks on multiple occasions of this childlike faith, to trust God completely and fully.

Childlike faith will revitalize our worship, helping us realize what is truly important: Jesus. The worries and anxieties of the world become second as we give our complete trust over to God. Humble yourselves; no matter how old you are, no matter the experience you have, realize your one true identity. You are a child of God.

Invest in the lives of the children and learn from them.

Ethan Zent is a Kingswood University graduate and Wesleyan worship pastor at Follow Church in South Carolina. He enjoys exploring the great outdoors and thrifting with his wife Kellie.

© 2025 Wesleyan Publishing House. Reprinted from Light from the Word. Used by permission. Scriptures taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®.