“Everyone who does any of these detestable things—such persons must be cut off from their people.” (Lev. 18:29)
Expanded Passage: Leviticus 18:29-30
When my husband and I reported the abuse our daughter suffered from one of her high school teachers, we were quickly silenced. This teacher was popular among students and had a successful career as a coach. The school administration decided maintaining the status quo was easier than seeking justice and protecting future students. While we were able to remove our daughter from the situation, further damage was done to others before the teacher was brought to justice. Sadly, our story is not unique.
After God gave instructions prohibiting sexual relationships within Israel’s community that harmed the weak and vulnerable, he commanded Moses to remove anyone who violated those boundaries. Those persons who disobeyed God’s teachings and were guilty of grave abuse were to be cut off from the community. The consequences were swift and resolute because of the destructive nature of sexual sin and the havoc it wreaked on families and the surrounding community. Abuse destroys both the victim and the perpetrator. Once it is brought to light, it must be stopped.
Worldwide, humanity faces an epidemic of sexual brokenness that is woven through every part of society. God’s people are to be on the front lines, protecting the vulnerable, healing the wounded, and advocating for justice. Failure to do so is to turn away from Jesus, who stands in solidarity with the lost and hurting sheep he loves.
Refuse to look away and choose to stand, protect, and heal.
Shaunna Sturgeon is the pastor of the Watershed Collective, a microchurch movement in rural Kansas. She loves helping people discover God’s purpose for their lives.
© 2025 Wesleyan Publishing House. Reprinted from Light from the Word. Used by permission. Scriptures taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®.