
Below are webinars that showcase discipleship models. View webinars from ministry leaders who have shared what they do in their context. While each context is unique, these models can provide helpful starts as you think about designing discipleship journeys for your church.

Previous Discipleship Webinars

Courageous Revitalization

Church revitalization isn’t for the faint of heart! Join us for a candid discussion with Pastor Megan Harris, Catalyst for Church Revitalization. Discover successful strategies, resources, and helpful insights. Learn more about our upcoming cohort.

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Introduction to True North

Experience the transformative power of discipleship with True^North, a Wesleyan disciple-making tool. Join our webinar with the author, Dr. Dave Smith, to explore how it deepens Bible literacy, fosters transparency, and fuels transformation.

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Dead-End Believers to Multiplying Disciple-Makers

Open your minds to the possibility of your congregation making disciples to 4th generation and beyond. Join pastors Jessica Miller, Suk May, and Marv LaLone as we step into the dream of sparking a disciple-making movement in and through your church.

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Multi-Generational Church

The church is designed to work in and through ALL believers, in every season of life. We are never too young or too old for the Holy Spirit to use us.

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