What is Ordination & Credentialing?
When a person holds a credential in The Wesleyan Church, it symbolizes that God has called her or him to serve in vocational ministry, received the proper training, and is authorized by God and the denomination to serve as a specialized minister and representative of Jesus Christ. The Wesleyan Church has various credential options, depending on the calling a person has received. There are both clergy and lay credential categories. The highest credential for clergy in The Wesleyan Church is an ordained minister. Ordained ministers are given authority to represent Christ to the Church and serve Him through a local church or parachurch ministry.
How do I become a minister in The Wesleyan Church? What does it mean to be ordained?
What is my next step in this process?
How can I get help funding this?
DBMD Tools & Resources
Serving The Wesleyan Church through a District Board of Ministerial Development is a gift! But it can also come with lots of questions. Check out these tools and resources, which are meant to assist your team as you guide candidates on their credentialing journey. Every district uses these same tools, ensuring that candidates from across North America share a theological sound and unifying experience as they are developed into pastors for The Wesleyan Church.