Guide to exploring the Call


How do I become a minister in The Wesleyan Church?

The Guide to Exploring the Call will make the path to ministry more understandable.  Students can use the academic requirements chart found within its pages as a quick reference guide to the courses required for credentialing in The Wesleyan Church

DBMB Forms


DBMD Form 1

Initial Inventory Questionnaire

DBMD Form 2

Initial Reference Form

DBMD 3 Form

Subsequent Years Questionnaire

DBMD Form 4

Candidate Ministry Reference Form

DBMD Form 5

Credentialing Application Questionnaire

DBMD Form 6

Transfer of Credential Application Questionnaire

DBMD Interview Questions

This is to be used as a guide for DBMD Interviews.

DBMD Ordination Interview Questions

Ordination questions to determine the candidate’s readiness for ministry.


LBA Recommendation Form (fillable)

To start the process of licensing/ordination.


LBA Recommendation Form (PDF)

To start the process of licensing/ordination.

Denominational Transfer Application

This form is to be provided to the Minister by the District.

Additional Resources


Ordination Chart

A visual Chart that shows the steps to Ordination in the Wesleyan Church.

Required Courses

A list of the required courses for Licensing and Ordination in The Wesleyan Church.

Manual of Ministerial Preparation

A comprehensive guide to credentialing in The Wesleyan Church.

LMP Role-Based Electives

A list of suggested LMP Electives

Pathways to Ministry


Ministerial students will find that they have several options to complete requirements for credentials including attending one of our Wesleyan Colleges/Universities, approved seminaries, FLAMA, district extension, Kingswood Extended, or Cross Training courses. Hundreds of people are being called to serve the Kingdom as ministers of the Gospel. Many of them are second-career, non-traditional students who are looking for accessible ways to complete their educational requirements. This page explores several pathways available to complete your academic training for credentialing in The Wesleyan Church.


Degree Pathways

These Education Pathways are approved to meet education requirements for the respective Credential Pathways in The Wesleyan Church.  Approved education pathways must include Wesleyan History & Discipline and Doctrine of Holiness course electives if they are not already included in the program requirements.

Non-Degree Pathways

There are several non-degree course options you may choose from to fulfill educational requirements for licensing/ ordination in The Wesleyan Church

Frequently asked Questions


Beginning the Process


How do I begin the process toward ordination?

For information about the process of ministerial preparation, download The Guide to Exploring the call, which can be found on the Ordination & Credentialing Learn page. The academic requirements chart for ordination and other credentialing is available on that page as well.

How do I enroll to become Ministerial Student?

Enroll with Education and Clergy Development.  Along with this ECD enrollment, please be aware that is your responsibility to obtain the recommendation of your local church board of administration and interview with your District Board of Ministerial Development if you are interested in the Special Worker or Pre-Ordination track. (Lay Ministers need only the recommendation of their church board.) Recommendation Form.

What steps are required for ministerial credentialing?

There are multiple steps to ministerial credentialing, regardless of the type of credential being pursued. Those steps include local church recommendation, ECD enrollment, annual interviews with the DBMD (District Board of Ministerial Development), academic requirements, and ministerial appointment. Because everyone’s path to credentialing is unique, you must work with your DBMD to understand your unique pathway to credentialing.

I have a friend who is sensing God’s call into the ministry. How can I help her/him?

The Guide to Exploring the Call packet will be a very useful tool for those interested in ministry, found HERE. You may give the link to your friend or print out the packet for her. It will help identify the process of ministerial training in the Wesleyan Church, give them an opportunity to enroll with our office, and will give them guidance for their future training.

Can ministers from other denominations transfer to The Wesleyan Church?

We welcome those who have an interest in finding a place of ministry within The Wesleyan Church, who agree with us in doctrine and spirit, and who believe God is leading them to join hands with us in fulfilling our mission in the world.

The process of transferring into The Wesleyan Church includes (but is not limited to) an initial conversation with the District Superintendent and submission of a Transfer Application (then approved by the General Superintendent), evaluation and completion of education requirements, a year under appointment as a minister in process of denominational transfer, an interview by the District Board of Ministerial Development and validation by the District Conference.

For a complete list of the steps required for transfer into The Wesleyan Church, please reference Chapter 4 in the Manual of Ministerial Preparation (MMP-413) that can be downloaded from our ordination & credentialing page.

After evaluation of transcripts, coursework, and experience, transferring ministers may expect to complete additional education requirements (most transferring candidates must complete the doctrine of holiness and Wesleyan History and Discipline). Transferring ministers may address gaps in their education requirements through Wesleyan Universities, Approved Seminaries or Ministry Training Programs such as Cross Training, Kingswood Extended, or classes offered by your district.


To begin the process, please contact the appropriate district to speak with the District Superintendent and begin the application process.

Student Portal


What is the Student Portal?

The Student Portal will be a help to you in tracking your academic progress. When you register for a Student Portal account you will have the ability to view your Student Record and view, print or download your individual transcript. Your district DBMD leadership also has online access to your file to and can keep informed of your academic progress. There are multiple informational documents and forms available on the “Forms” tab. You should receive information about your student portal access when you enrolled as a student.  If you don’t remember that, you can log in here and choose forgot password.  Your username will be the e-mail you used when you enrolled.

I cannot get into my Student Portal account. Where do I find help?

District Questions


What courses are needed to academically qualify for a district license?

There are seven classes that are required: Old Testament Intro, New Testament Intro, Wesleyan Church History/Discipline, Intro to Theology, Methods of Bible Study, Church Leadership/Management, and Doctrine of Holiness.

After I complete my licensing or ordination requirements, how long will it take for ECD to report to my district?

When we receive grades from a class you have completed, we normally record those within 3-4 days. When a certification date is entered, you and your district will automatically receive an email notifying you of this update.

How do I contact my district office?

District contact information is available at



How do I submit my transcripts for evaluation for ministerial education credit?

Courses from accredited institutions or denominational course of study programs may be used to grant credit for ordination requirements. Have your official transcripts emailed to or mailed to: Education and Clergy Development, 13300 Olio Rd., Fishers, IN 46031. We require the first and last submissions from an institution to be official transcripts, directly from the school. While attending, periodic submissions may be unofficial, sent by the student. Credits will be posted on ministerial preparation transcripts and can be viewed online at your record in the Student Portal.

Have my transcripts been received and reviewed?

Check on the Student Portal for credits posted. You should receive information about your student portal access when you enrolled as a student.  If you don’t remember that, you can log in here and choose forgot password.  Your username will be the e-mail you used when you enrolled. If you don’t see expected credits, email an inquiry to

Why was credit not granted from my school transcript?

Courses must receive a grade of C- or better to be granted credit on your ministerial student transcript.  For other inquiries, you may email ECD may ask you to send a course description or syllabus for the course in question. This will help in any reconsideration of an evaluation. We will respond as soon as we are able.

Why is my course grade not showing on my ECD transcript?

Allow 3 – 4 weeks after a course is completed unless a specific request for expedited grading had been requested. Then contact the school or professor first to confirm submission of the grade. Contact ECD if a grade was submitted but has not been posted.

Will Education and Clergy Development periodically send me a copy of my ministerial education transcript?

No. Ministerial Preparation transcripts are available online at the Student Portal for your to review on your own.

Other Questions


Where can I find information about non-traditional course options (schedule, cost, syllabi, locations, etc)?

Go to the Ordination & Credentialing Pursue page for more information and links to various options to complete ordination requirements. You may also check out Thriving Clergy Ministry Training Programs Course Finder . There you may search for scheduled course offerings or by program.

How do I get credit for the Supervised Ministry requirement?

The education requirement of Supervised Ministry (the course) for those not completing it through a Wesleyan University or Approved Seminary or some other approved means is offered through Kingswood Extended and local Ministry Training Programs.  Questions about the Kingswood course can be sent to:  For Ministry Training Program course opportunities, contact our office at

I have ministry experience. Can I get credit for this?

Yes, you may be able to get credit for ministry experience/independent study. It’s called “Credit by Portfolio.” You can download the information packet for this on the Ordination & Credentialing Pursue page.

I am 32 and thinking about going the Commissioned Minister route. Is this possible?

The Commissioned Minister’s track for ministry requires that you must be 40 years of age or older, be a district licensed minister and have the permission of your DBMD.

I am a lay person who wants to take some classes for personal enrichment. Can I document courses I take with Education and the Ministry?

Yes, we welcome you to do this. Simply enroll with us and choose “Personal Enrichment” as your track. We can document your courses on a Personal Enrichment transcript.  However, please be aware that most of the classes are geared towards someone preparing for pastoral ministry.

Looking for information about Chaplains?


How do I become a minister in The Wesleyan Church? What does it mean to be ordained?


What is my next step in this process?


How can I get help funding this?