Ah, Sovereign Lord, you have made the heavens and the earth by your great power and outstretched arm. Nothing is too hard for you. (Jer. 32:17)
“CHILLAX. BE STILL AND KNOW that I am God.” Those are the words printed on a small blue, green, and brown wooden sign I recently bought at a craft booth. I spied it for our family room, because the colors match well. More importantly, though, the verse quoted in part is Psalm 46:10, and it is one that resonates with me. We all have verses that speak to us, and this may be one that is meaningful to many Christians today. These words remind us to slow down and rest easy in the knowledge that He has it all under control.
When Jeremiah became anxious about the wisdom of buying a field occupied by soldiers, he remembered the greatness of God. In doing so, he found comfort. Even after King Xerxes chose her, Esther found it hard to imagine herself as a queen positioned to save her own people. And Moses likely doubted his ability to lead the people out of Egypt at several points along the way. However, Esther and Moses, like Jeremiah, trusted the Lord and recognized that all things are possible through Him.
Scripture can provide immeasurable peace for us in times of trial or doubt. If we have a ready knowledge of verses that speak to us personally, we are equipped with the most useful tools and armed with weapons as powerful as any.
Commit to memory those verses that strengthen your faith, and rely upon them regularly.
Hally Franz is a former high school guidance counselor turned stay-at-home mom. She enjoys being a 4-H leader, church secretary, book club member, and traveler.