“And if that nation I warned repents of its evil, then I will relent and not inflict on it the disaster I had planned.” (Jer. 18:8)
GOD IS IN THE BUSINESS of recreating people. At one time, Jacob was identified as a liar and a cheat. However, after a long, arduous wrestling match with God at the Jabbok ford, a recreating occurred. In God’s hands, Jacob became Israel, meaning “he wrestles with God” (see Gen. 32:22–29).
Peter was a rough and rugged fisherman—one who was full of energy and ready to act without much thought. He was like the proverbial bull in a china shop. Yet with all his brashness, Peter was a coward. Three times he denied knowing Christ due to fear. However, in the hands of God, Peter was changed! He became a bold witness for Jesus Christ.
Temba was the drunk of the village. He was cruel, treating his wife with disrespect. There were times he would beat her. After he invited God into his life, however, he was remade. In the hands of God, Temba began showing great love for his spouse. He would testify, “I no longer need to be drunk with homemade brew. I am now full of God’s love for my family and friends and those who live around me. God has recreated me! I am nothing like what I used to be. I do not just feel like a brand new person; I am a new person!”
Thank God for changing you into a new person.
Jim “Umf” Lo is the coauthor of Unholiness: Overcoming the Forces That Attack Your Soul (WPH).
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