Best Nursing Colleges has rated Indiana Wesleyan University the number one nursing college in Indiana out of 47 schools, just ahead of highly respected Ball State University. IWU received the highest possible rating on curriculum and also were outstanding in teaching. IWU has ten different nursing programs.

Nationally, among 2,704 schools with nursing programs, Indiana Wesleyan University’s nursing programs were rated an extraordinary 9th place. The only other Indiana school in the top 100 was Ball State University at 97th.

In the state of Indiana, IWU was rated:

  • The Best Family Practice School
  • The Best Geriatric Nursing School
  • The Best Nursing Sciences School
  • The Best Registered Nursing School
  • The Second Best Clinical Nursing School
  • The Third Best Nursing Administration School

In addition to the undergraduate degree for registered nurses, IWU offers six specialized nursing Master’s degrees and four post-Master’s certificates. is not contracted by any school or college group, and strives for an unbiased analysis of governmental and independent sources of college data. Also at their site they provide contact information, majors availability, and diploma selection, as well as nationwide, regional, and state rankings, campus safety ratings, and lists of local competitors for 2,704 schools offering nursing programs.