Reverend Dr. Stephen J. Lennox has announced his intention to retire as president of Kingswood University, effective June 30, 2025.

“Eileen and I have put concerted thought and prayer into this decision and feel confident this is God’s leading for us personally and for the school,” said Dr. Lennox. “While there is no perfect time to retire, I am confident that Kingswood is well positioned to fulfill its mission to strengthen the church. We have strong financial reserves, an excellent staff and team of leaders, a clear mission, as well as a great reputation for innovation and commitment to the church.”

Dr. Lennox’s retirement comes at the end of his 10th year of service as the 12th president of Kingswood. Under Dr. Lennox’s leadership, Kingswood has weathered the pandemic, launched innovative initiatives like Kingswood Extended and Kingswood Learn, and continued their long-standing reputation of formational education that produces churchwomen and men ready to serve the local church.

In a letter to the Kingswood trustees, Board Chair Reverend Peter Moore shared, “Steve and Eileen have been an immeasurable blessing to the Kingswood story of kingdom impact, weathering major challenges with a spirit of faith-filled determination, innovation, courage and diligence. We are now positioned in these early days of Kingswood 2.0 for a new chapter that will be a welcome invitation to our next leader. And God has used Steve to bring us through to this hopeful day for our future.”

“We are grateful for Dr. Lennox’s leadership and dedication. We look forward with optimism to what God has in store for Kingswood in the near future,” said Reverend Johanna Rugh, executive director of Education and Clergy Development of The Wesleyan Church.

As Kingswood continues to celebrate the Lennoxes’ faithfulness, they also continue to covet prayers for their discernment process as they look toward the next season of Kingswood University leadership.

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Rev. Ethan Linder is the pastor of discipleship at College Wesleyan Church in Marion, Indiana, and contributing editor at The Wesleyan Church’s Education and Clergy Development Division.

Eileen & Steve Lennox