He risked his life to make up for the help you yourselves could not give me. (Phil. 2:30)
Expanded Passage: Philippians 2:25-30
One frigid November, my husband and I ran out of fuel for our furnace. With two small children to care for, and a predicted snowstorm on the way, we needed a solution immediately. We called our fuel company and requested a supply truck.
Unfortunately, our home was situated in a remote location accessed only over rough country “roads” (actually, dirt trails stretched over barren prairie land). We lived in a river valley, which made it even more difficult to get to our house. There were two ways down the river hill: one was passable only on horseback and the other required crossing a narrow bridge surfaced with wooden planks, many of which were rotten.
The fuel company assured us they would come and fill our tank. However, when the supply truck reached the bridge, the driver refused to cross it. Regardless of our need, he turned around and left us.
Our Christian friend worked for the same company, however. When he heard of our predicament, he drove over thirty miles, bravely crossed the bridge (without incident), and filled our tank free of charge. How grateful we were for this heroic brother in Christ, who gave of his time and resources to keep a struggling young family warm!
Everyone has strengths, skills, and resources they can use to help others and build God’s kingdom. What are yours?
Use your strengths to serve the body of Christ.
Laura Hurd is an ordained minister in The Wesleyan Church and co-pastors with her husband, Jason, in northwestern Nebraska. She enjoys rural life, reading, and road trips.
© 2025 Wesleyan Publishing House. Reprinted from Light from the Word. Used by permission. Scriptures taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®.