In the Southeastern part of the United States, Chick-Fil-A is jokingly referred to as “God’s chicken” because it isn’t open on Sundays due to the owners’ Christian faith. In Urbanna, Virginia, the folks at Remlik Wesleyan Church have another reason to call it that.
Pete Keller, 86, a 50-year Remlik Wesleyan member, has been driving nearly an hour to a Chick-Fil-A most Mondays and Wednesdays before Bible study for dinner and to give away a New Testament. Pete is a Gideon and Gideons are encouraged to give away one copy of their New Testament weekly. The New Testament contains information for and steps to guide new Christians. While giving these away, he shares the love of Jesus.
On several occasions while Pete was at the Chick-Fil-A, another Remlik Wesleyan member, Courtney Dobyns, was picking up food or eating there with her 9-year-old daughter, Avery, and her sister. “I’ve known Pete my whole life. We would see him holding a Bible and talking to people in the parking lot as we went through the drive thru. We explained to my daughters what he was doing,” said Courtney.
In the fall 2024, Courtney’s friend asked if Avery would look out for her daughter, Aubrey, who would be riding the school bus for the first time. On the first day Aubrey was on the bus, Avery came home from school and told her parents that she sat next to Aubrey and led her to Christ on the school bus. Avery explained that she simply asked Aubrey if she knew who Jesus was and asked if she had asked him into her heart. When Aubrey said no, Avery said, “Well, I am going to show you how.” When Avery’s parents asked how she even knew how to do that, to their astonishment Avery responded, “I watch Mr. Pete.”
Courtney said, “I didn’t even know that Pete was making an impact on Avery at that time. How awesome is it having a child-like faith!”
In relaying the story to Pete, his first reaction was to give Avery a Bible to give to Aubrey. Remlik Pastor Dustin Gilmer says that is just like Pete. “If we have a visitor on Sunday, he goes with his Gideon Bible and shares Jesus with them after service. Every. Visitor.” And when he comes to Wednesday night Bible study, Pete tells the group about who he shared Jesus with at Chick-Fil-A.
A month ago, Pete went to a Wawa store and gave a Bible to a man named Wesley, which inspired him to talk about John Wesley’s life. “So, he didn’t just get Jesus, he got some Wesleyan church history as well!” said Pastor Dustin.
Pete is just a “super guy,” says Pastor Dustin. He shares Jesus with anyone, young or old. But if he speaks to a child, he asks their parents for permission first. “I think that’s really respectful, and it makes an impact on the parents as well.”
Pete believes this type of witnessing is not only his responsibility, but a blessing as well. He first asks the Lord to point out the person he should approach. He then asks if the person has heard of the Gideons. When the response is no, he explains that they are responsible for the Bibles in motel rooms. This opens a conversation in which he is then able to share more.
Of the approximately 130 Bibles he has given away, there has only been one instance when he’s been asked to leave the person alone. “I have a regular way to approach people. Very softly and very easily,” he said.
When talking about the Gideon Bible, Pete points out verses such as John 3:16, the information printed inside the back cover and then leaves the Bible with them.
He has made an impression on Avery’s mother, Courtney, as well. Seeing her child do something like this was a wakeup call to share her faith more.
Pete says all the glory goes to God, and he is just “an unprofitable servant” as we are directed to be in Luke Chapter 17.
Dustin also shared the story of Pete’s influence with the congregation and said, “I told them that if this little girl can do this, what is our excuse?”
Thanks to Mr. Pete, we have all been reminded to have the faith of a child and not forget that little eyes are watching.
Jennifer Jones is a former journalist and pastor’s wife serving as the North Carolina East District administrator.