When brokenness makes the headlines, it’s easy to talk about problems and potential solutions, but it is altogether different to actually do something. In a world wrecked by hurt, the leadership of LIFEpoint Wesleyan Church in Waldorf, Md., began praying about how they could do more and give more. Listening to the Holy Spirit, the leadership was unanimously directed to do something they had never done before: give away all of the money given on Easter Sunday.
In a tight budget year, that’s difficult. In the midst of an expansive building project, that seems counterintuitive. In today’s uncertain economy maybe the church should save more dollars and cents. But in God’s sovereign economy it simply made sense.
In the weeks leading up to Easter, “LIFEpointers” were given two challenges: Bring a friend, and bring a gift. They began praying for spiritual transformation in the lives of their friends plus financial blessings to go into the community and around the world. God led them to split the offering between The Catherine Foundation Pregnancy Care Center in Waldorf and Impacto Ministry in Guatemala.
A total of $18,824 was given between three Easter Sunday services, one of the largest offerings in the church’s history. One hundred percent was donated.
LIFEpoint is praying to become one of those churches unmistakably empowered by the Holy Spirit to b e the difference everyone longs to see in the world.