Let them know that you, whose name is the Lord—that you alone are the Most High over all the earth. (Ps. 83:18)
Expanded Passage: Psalm 83
History doesn’t actually repeat itself, but sure seems to. History records many wars over religion. We also have accounts of men and women acting selfishly and leaders pursuing power over their neighbors. In Psalm 83, we find a long prayer both heralding God for his supernatural power and simultaneously noting earthly enemies with natural power. These influential people plot and form alliances to obliterate followers of Yahweh. Christians find a similar situation today.
I’m coauthoring a new version of Foxe’s Book of Martyrs with Johnnie Moore, the former senior vice president of Liberty University. He also is the author of a couple recent books on ISIS, which is helpful as we bring the history of martyrs up through the present atrocities. Johnnie has traveled through many countries and recorded testimonies from many believers under serious oppression—some have since suffered martyrdom. The unifying factor is that many sign a martyr’s oath. For them, God is over all the earth, and though persecution may continue and even result in death, there is only one God and all the rest are manmade idols or ideas. Eternal joy is something only the God of the Bible can give.
We need to recognize, like in Psalm 83, the times God has shown himself powerful. Also, we need to identify the times when he broke his silence and answered prayers.
Craft an oath of single-mindedness that doesn’t recognize any other god.
Jerry Pattengale is a professor at Indiana Wesleyan University and the codirector and cofounder of the Lumen Research Institute. He has authored and edited over forty books including Faith Made Real (WPH).
© 2025 Wesleyan Publishing House. Reprinted from Light from the Word. Used by permission. Scriptures taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®.