We find it amazing how the Lord is working in the Mozambican Wesleyan Church. In the past thirteen years, the Xai-Xai Wesleyan Bible College graduated more than 200 students who are now pastoring churches in all 11 provinces of our country.
The majority of our students are peasant farmers. In most cases, they come to school with simply a suitcase of clothes. Since their local churches are only able to contribute $8 per semester, the students are required to work eight hours weekly doing cleaning and maintenance to help pay for their studies and board.
Besides their studies, the students also participate in local churches around Xai Xai in various ministries like Sunday school teaching, preaching and visiting and praying for the sick in homes, prisons and hospitals. These ministries carried out by our students have a great impact on churches in the Xai Xai Wesleyan District.
We thank the Lord for peace in Mozambique that enabled the college to make trips to the Zambezia and Nampula provinces for College on Wheels classes. This project will culminate in both places in 2018 with graduations.
Pray that God would provide funds to train and equip more pastors for the Lord’s harvest.
Authored by: Rev. Graça Nhathelo, Mozambique national superintendent, and Rev. Filipe Macaringue, Xai-Xai Wesleyan Bible College director.