Could God Use Me to Plant a New Church?
Step 1 | Discern
Find a quiet place and explore this Discernment Guide designed for leaders exploring if God could use them to plant new faith communities. This resource will guide you through the questions:
- Am I ready?
- What is the church plant process?
- What type of plant strategy is my fit?
Step 2 | Learn
Check out this 20 minute video lesson from Winfield Bevins on Why Start New Churches (scroll down a bit on this webpage and you will see the video). You can order the book, Church Planting Revolution, on this page too. This is a great book to begin understanding how God uses new churches to draw people into the kingdom of God.
Step 3 | Assess
Take the Free Church Planter Self Assessment HERE.
Simply create a Church Planter Profile account, answer the questions honestly, and evaluate your readiness in the areas of entrepreneurial leadership, ministry experience, church planting experience, and relational evangelism. Based on your own self assessment, you will decide to walk further down the church planting path. Typically, a score of 60 or above means you should continue your exploration. Don’t think of this test as an A, B, C, D, F type of scoring–this is just to get a feel for your passions and how God tends to use you. Many of the testing categories are areas in your life that you can grow in.
The CMC has a 3-day Church Planter Assessment Center that every planter eventually goes through. Information on our CPAC can be found HERE.
Step 4 | Share
It’s important to invite others into your discernment journey asking for prayer and wisdom. Have a conversation with your pastor or connect with an advisor within the Church Multiplication Collective by filling out this Interest Form.
Step 5 | Explore
It is important to know that there are multiple church planting models. Truth is, we need all kinds of churches to reach all kinds of people. Check out this 6-part article by Ed Stetzer on Church Planting Models.
Step 6 | Pray
Without a doubt, prayer is a vital part of the church planters discernment journey. Consider taking a multiple day prayer walk with your spouse, family, or close ministry friends, through the community God might be leading you to influence. If you need a prayer walk guide, check out the article Ideas for Prayer Walks.
The Church Multiplication Collective
The Church Multiplication Collective of The Wesleyan Church is an intentional multiplication ecosystem focused on DISCOVERING, DEVELOPING, and DEPLOYING workers for the Lord’s harvest. The CMC’s role in fulfilling the vision of The Wesleyan Church is to:
- Cultivate a culture of church planting and multiplication
- Equip healthy churches to multiply new faith communities
- Provide a world-class support system for workers of the harvest
Check out all of the CMC church planting resources HERE.