So, if you think you are standing firm, be careful that you don’t fall! (1 Cor. 10:12)
WORKING AS A MISSIONARY RECRUITER, I want the individuals I talk with to have a certain amount of confidence. I want to see that they have confidence in who they are, in who God is molding them to be, and in the gifts He has given them to use. This confidence is a necessary element as each one works toward the time he or she will be living and working in a cross-cultural environment.
Although confidence in oneself is not a bad quality, too much of it can lead to arrogance, a sense of entitlement, and pride that can prove harmful to oneself, the missionary team, the ministry, and the community in which missionaries are trying to impact the culture with the gospel.
This overconfidence is not just a missions problem, however. It can be a stumbling block for any of us, wherever God has placed us with whatever gifts He has given us.
Whether with family or friends or at work, school, or church, we need to embrace what we do with confidence as God has gifted each of us to impact people and places with His gospel.
However, we must also realize that only through God can we be who He’s calling us to be and do what He’s calling us to do. We must be people who walk in humble confidence.
Ask God to show you where your confidence needs more humility.
Traver Paul Butcher is passionate about other cultures, travel, the outdoors, music, art, writing, leadership development, and introducing people to a man named Jesus.