It’s been more than 120 days since Hurricanes Irma and Maria pummeled Puerto Rico and caused widespread devastation.
The Wesleyan Church, World Hope International and Global Partners partnered together to provide funds for much-needed equipment to assist those in need. Many generators that were provided through this partnership are still in use, as a large part of the island is still without power. As of January 23, power was restored to Wesleyan Academy.
Dr. Benjamín Galarce, national district superintendent for The Wesleyan Church in Puerto Rico, is extremely grateful for The Wesleyan Church and World Hope International’s joint support. He shared an encouraging message in this video.
Rev. Rick West, Global Partners missionary to Cuba, and Steve Gray, from Gray Building and Development from Colfax, North Carolina, visited Puerto Rico in mid-January to gather information and logistics in order to assist local Wesleyan churches in making repairs to buildings damaged by Hurricane Maria.
“It should be communicated that Puerto Rico Wesleyans responded immediately to the needs of their communities, post-Irma and Maria,” said West. “In fact, they did not bother with damage to their church buildings, but rather came to gather to serve their communities.”
West notes that the “the rapid response of World Hope International with water filters, medicine, other supplies and generators to congregations in Puerto Rico enabled the Church to further respond to their communities beyond what they were already doing. Funds sent immediately by Global Partners and Wesleyan Emergency Relief Funds provided hope when the task seemed overwhelming.”
He was also impressed with how those affected most by the storm are doing months later.
“I expected the people to be down and discouraged,” said West. “But far from it. Many are still without electrical power in their homes along with many other inconveniences, but the joy of the Lord was evident.”
Thank you to Wesleyans, worldwide, who have given to assist fellow Wesleyans in Puerto Rico.
Donate to the Wesleyan Emergency Relief Fund.

Rick West, left, and Dr. Benjamín Galarce, right.

(L to R): Rick West, Rev Victor Barreiro and wife, Dr. Benjamin Galarce, Mr. Steve Gray

Hurricane Maria took the second floor off the church.