Let us rejoice and be glad and give him glory! For the wedding of the Lamb has come, and his bride has made herself ready. (Rev 19:7)
We live in a culture that longs for security and ready answers. We like data—lots of data. We are adept at forecasting the weather, predicting political outcomes, and offering prognoses. We are often able to predict not only outcomes but timetables. We plan accordingly. It is not commonplace to wait patiently in a posture of preparation. But that is what the bride of Christ is called to do. As we await his return to take us home, we are called to make the church beautiful. That begins in your heart and mind.
John reminds us that the wedding will come. We are anxious; we are ready; we are waiting. But in that waiting, there is work to be done. It is our job to purify our hearts, minds, and lives so that we might be clothed in white linen and be prepared to receive our groom.
As Jesus prepares a place for us, it is our job to live in grateful anticipation of his return. We know, however, that we’ve already been given the Spirit of the living God in the here and now. By walking intimately with him, and by allowing him daily to cleanse us, we can be sure that when Christ returns, we will joyfully receive him as the pure virgin bride receives the victorious groom.
As a bride awaits her groom, prepare for his return.
Dalene (Rovenstine) Fisher is a wife, mother, and grandma. She is an associate professor of English, dean, and assistant provost at Oklahoma Wesleyan University.
© 2022 Wesleyan Publishing House. Reprinted from Light from the Word. Used by permission. Scriptures taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®.