Years ago I was given a little black box containing four volumes of sermon outlines written by Charles Spurgeon, pastor of the Metropolitan Tabernacle and considered by many to be the Prince of Preachers. In his opening remarks, he notes that he was often asked, “Rev. Spurgeon, could you not help us with some outlines?”
This question pushed Spurgeon to create these volumes with the hope that he had, “not written so much as to enable any man to preach without thought, nor so little as to leave a weary mind without help.”
In my ministry in the local church, I have benefited greatly from men and women who willingly share their wisdom with others. It makes me better than I could be on my own.
And this year as I work on The Wesleyan Church Resource Center, what a joy it has been to see you equip one another and make each other better.
In 2018, you published over 15 sermon series — the three most popular being:
- “Arrival: Advent 2018” from Rev. Paul Tillman
- “Encounters with Jesus” From New Life Church and Rev. Mike Hilson
- “The Bible Doesn’t Say That” from Ransom Church and Rev. Phill Tague.
These three series alone were downloaded over 750 times.
Six videos, designed as service elements to keep your church on mission, were published. They included “The Wesleyan Church’s 50th Anniversary” and “We are MOSAIC.”
Additionally, multiple tools for the pastor and church were submitted.
Rev. Emily Hines of Brookhaven Wesleyan Church provided her Advent Devotional for 2018, the Education and Clergy Development team gave us “Writing a Sabbath Plan,” and The Village Church provided their Storygroups Facilitator Guide.
And that’s just the start. Every church, every pastor, can find a way to resource another. No one is too small or insignificant to lend their wisdom and experience to another. Let’s continue to make each other better.