Yet he was merciful; he forgave their iniquities and did not destroy them. (Ps. 78:38)
WE SERVE A GOD who knows we are but flesh. His faithfulness to us is not only confined to what blessings He pours out. It also extends even more remarkably to His mercy. He is forgiving and faithful to lift us out of the mire we so eagerly return to time after time.
In a world that cultivates low standards for its people and tolerates high criticism of God, it’s a wonder that we still receive the blessings He has to give. He is patient and long-suffering, giving us chance after chance to turn to Him for life and righteousness. While the world pulls us toward the darkness, He continues His quest to bring us back to the light. It is His heart’s desire to see us safe under His umbrella of protection, even when we have rejected it.
Humankind was born into a trap—a trap of a foolish mind-set. We have fooled ourselves and, likewise, think we can fool God into thinking we are all right. After all we know about Him, we still play the hiding game, keeping our hearts’ deepest secrets from Him. But He sees all and, despite the blackness of our deeds and the iniquity in our hearts, He waits for us with loving, open arms.
Rejoice in the knowledge that you are forgiven and loved.
Jan Cline is an author and speaker from the Northwest. She is also director of the Inland NW Christian Writers conference.