English Wesleyan Church (EWC), under the leadership of Dr. Roger Dillman, averages about 40 to 50 people a week. But for the last couple of years, by the providence of God and the help of several people, they have touched their community with compassion, love and groceries.
The small church in English, Indiana, takes an opportunity every other Friday to provide food for its neighbors.
Residing in Crawford County, which was recently reported by Indianapolis Star as the poorest county in Indiana, EWC has ministered to many. In 2019, the church furnished food to 14,619 people. The county’s population is approximately 10,500.
This food distribution has opened many doors for EWC to minister to members of English, Indiana, and beyond. For example, one neighbor living right next door to the church never entered the sanctuary before this food ministry but does now. He saw the impact the church was having on thousands of people and decided to start helping. And better yet — this neighbor now faithfully attends the church weekly.
“We have people in every service who are a result of the food pantry. I took food to one older gentleman at his house. He was very ill and during the visit, he accepted Jesus as his Savior. Later I was privileged to have his funeral. God has blessed us!” Dillman said.
It is amazing how God has provided the help and provisions of English Wesleyan in this outreach, including a large truck and a forklift used to transport and unload the food, both of which allow the food distribution ministry to grow.
“The food pantry has been a driving force for growth,” said Dillman said. “Another couple from the community came and started working. They were new to our church and loved our church. He now sings in the choir, drives our food truck to Louisville twice a month and they come to all of our services. God has blessed us!”
So, can a church of 50 people or less make a difference in their community? Absolutely!
Recently, the Indiana National Guard helped EWC distribute food to community residents in the midst of the COVID-19 crisis. More than 1,100 people went through the line, and the Indiana National Guard will return again soon to assist.
Pray for English Wesleyan Church, Dillman and his team as they reach folks in Crawford County, not only with food but with the gospel of Christ, especially during COVID-19. Everyone who receives food from EWC also receives literature about the church, a gospel tract and an offer for prayer.
Dr. Mark Eckart serves as the district superintendent of the Indiana South District.